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Udgivet kl. 11:36, d. 02. dec 2017

Ny cheftræner i Vordingborg IF

-Det er med stor glæde vi i Vordingborg IF can present our new coach team in men’s seniors, smiles Morten Brandt, 

Vordingborg IFs nye Cheftræner er JAN FABER.

Lidt om Jan med hans eget ord: I work as a primary school teacher at a school in Næstved, works as a mentor for young people in Næstved municipality as well as coordinator at Næstved Sports College. On the football front I have played football in Herlufsholm since I was 4 years old. Have been a smut in Næstved for half a year, where I was in the division team.

Som træner først med HG’s u19 hold, and then I became assistant to 1.senior, after which I took over the team as coach at the bottom of serie 1. Here we got something really good and I had the team in 8 sæsoner, where we also reached Zealand and Denmark. After that, I was sporting responsible for 1st and 19th for a year, but when I missed the football on the pitch, I was offered to assist as an assistant in 1st division women when it was time and I have been the latest season.

Min fodbold- og træningsfilosofi carries a large impression that I would like to play soccer. As long as we have the ball, the others do not score! I would like to attack many people without it becoming naive, but it is important that you dare to challenge and do the unexpected. Det er selvfølgelig en forudsætning, at man har et hold i balance!

“Of course, we are very pleased that Bjarne ‘Puma’ Hansen is ready for another season as a team leader. Puma gør en fantastisk arbejde for VIF, fortæller formanden Morten Brandt.

-In addition, it’s with as much pride that Søren Aasberg has said yes to training our 2nd team. Her we have rated that we must have a strong personality and club as well as a super good coach to gather 2./3. holdet og det kan Søren. Desuden har Christoffer Larsen sagt ja til rolle som assistent træner for 2, holdet.

Unfortunately we do not have a picture of Jan Faber.

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Ansvarshavende: Anders K. Munch
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